Guinevere the Fennec

Also known as Gwen for short. She can be spotted travelling with her leather satchel containing her trusty herbal book and plants of all sort.


Guinevere grew up among a peaceful tribe located in the deep jungle of Adabat's Archipelago. They were known as the Mesecs, secretive beings devoting their life protecting the Lunar Shrine. The clan was separated into two categories, the guardians and the priests. Our young fennec fell in the latter class.

The guardians purpose is simple: those without any spiritual connection are meant to dedicate their life to the protection of the tribe and the shrine. Spears, swords, chakrams, you name it; they are versatile fighters, but they rarely have to take arms nowadays.

The priests on the other hand, are the ones said to be spiritually connected to their goddess. They take care of the offerings each full moon and pray for the prosperity of their hamlet. Few actually are designated as such due to their recessive bloodline. They are recognizable by their crescent-moon birthmark named the Clair de Lune.

The Clair de Lune is what grants photokinesis to the bearer; those possessing that special ability were destined to become priests but Gwen had other plans for her future.

Destined to become a priestess, Gwen went through intense training to master her abilities, learning from none other than Astride, her grandmother; also known as the current head priestess of the tribe. It had not been easy for the fennec to learn how to properly manipulate photons but thanks to her grandmother's strict training, she gained a good understanding of her strength. Though, the more the young fennec began realizing her potential, the more she began questioning if she really wanted to spend her whole life dedicating herself to the goddess, when she could use her powers to help those in need. Fortunately, her grandmother was supportive and encouraged Gwen to follow her dreams, no matter the consequences.

As much as she knew she would never be forgiven for deserting the tribe, her grandmother's wise words echoed in her mind: "Don't worry, dear. Whether you want it or not, you cannot fight off your destiny. If you believe you are meant to be helping others around the world, do it. Don't let anyone hold you back."

Upon reaching the age of 15, Guinevere decided it was time to spread her wings, and leave her hamlet. With her trusty handbag containing her belongings inside, the fennec left during nighttime, hoping no one would notice her. Of course she felt a bit of guilt, but Guinevere believed she was doing the right thing.

Yet, the former priestess still had a lot to learn about the outside world. Maybe one day she will return, in due time... but for now, she was as free as the wind.


Light Energy Manipulation

Guinevere is able to create and manipulate her own photon energy at will, but the more she uses it, the more she gets tired and need time to regenerate. Moonlight increases her abilities tremendously and allows Gwen to use it as an external source for her power. Her abilities are mainly influenced by her emotions; protective boosting her defensive magic versus negative bringing out the destructive nature of light.

Light Shield: By projecting some of her Light Energy around herself or others, Gwen is capable to create a wall/dome out of photons, shielding from attacks, whether they are projectiles or physical. The shield cannot sustain too many powerful hits, since it's gonna damage it and finally break it. Due to her will to help those in need, the tighter her bond is with someone she wanna protect, the stronger her shields are.

Light Healing: As the name implies, by focusing her Light Energy into her palms and applying it on wounds, she is capable of healing them to a certain extent. The amount of Energy she has to spend to heal is relative to how serious the wound is.

Light Ball: Her main offensive ability. If pushed to fight, Gwen is able to condense enough photons in her hands to create a sphere made of light. She can howl it to an opponent to deal concussive damage or temporarily blind them with a burst of light depending on the nature of her attack. To a certain extent, if Gwen has negative thoughts (upset, sad, angry, etc.), the Light Orbs she throws induce explosions on contact.

Angelight Wings: Gwen can release a huge amount of photons from her own internal source and forms wings with it, allowing her a limited amount of flight time. Since she focuses a lot of her energy to manifest these wings, she isn't capable to use her other abilities unless she has an external source she can channel energy out of (aka the moonlight).


Guinevere is a collected being, calm and serene with a lighthearted humor. She prefers peace over war. Due to her recklessness, she tends to get herself or others around her in trouble.

Saving someone is more important than her own self. With her knowledge of herbalism, she often prepares concoctions in advance in case she crosses path with someone who needs it.


Astride the Fennec

Astride the Fennec

She was Gwen's mentor but most of all, her closest relative. Growing up without parents, her grandmother was the only mother figure around. She told everything to her, from misbehaviors to dearest secrets. No matter what, even if Astride was respected by the rest of the tribe due to her stoic personality, Gwen knew her grandmother had her back. Having to part with her mentor was the hardest decision for Gwen. Though, knowing she supported her call for adventure, the fennec had left with her heart enlightened, believing one day she would see her again.

Astride the Fennec

Volt the Cheetah

(Work in progress)

Astride the Fennec

Lūvi Zhi Ruo Valentina Hua Castillo

(Work in progress)

Astride the Fennec

Nagi Mizukai

(Work in progress)



Picture links directly to the artist's post when clicked on.


Some sketches drawn left and right during free time.